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Formación para profesionales del sector eléctrico | Legrand España

formación Legrand

Ofertas formativas para profesionales del sector eléctrico


Te ofrecemos una amplia oferta de cursos presenciales y online apostando por el conocimiento, la mejor herramienta para desarrollar y expandir tu negocio brindando un servicio de calidad.


Legrand formación

Atendemos tus necesidades

Innoval España, la plataforma de educación e innovación de Legrand, lanza una oferta de formación en respuesta a tus necesidades, desarrollo tecnológico, económico y normativo. 

Disponemos de tres modalidades: presencial, online y autoformación.

¿Ya estás registrado?

Legrand formación

Áreas de actividad

Tipología de cursos

Nuestros cursos de formación son para profesionales del sector eléctrico en todas las áreas de actividad: hogar conectado, protección de instalaciones eléctricas, eficiencia energética, VDI, Data Center, seguridad y control de accesos... entre otros.

Legrand formación

Adaptado a tu planificación

Formación e-learning

Para completar nuestro plan de formación presencial, Innoval España también te ofrece formaciones e-learning y autoformación, que podrás seguir con total autonomía, a tu propio ritmo y sin moverte.

Nuestro calendario de formación es dinámico, pudiendo adecuar las fechas según demanda. Consulta nuestro catálogo de formaciones por áreas de actividad (hogar conectado, protección de instalaciones eléctricas, eficiencia energética, VDI, Data Center, seguridad y control de accesos) y solicita información o inscripción según tus deseos y necesidades.

Filtrado por:
Fundamentos del cableado estructurado en instalaciones terciarias (cód. AF-C25S)

Objetivo: Conocer los fundamentos de los sistemas de cableado estructurado en los edificios terciarios.
• Principios de la distribución de aplicaciones multimedia en el sector terciario y el cableado estructurado.
• La arquitectura del cableado estructurado y sus normas.
• Los componentes de una red VDI de cobre.
• Las categorías de cableado estructurado y las normas.
• El apantallamiento.
• Las prestaciones del cableado y los productos.

Área de actividad: VDI

Duración: 30 min.

Modalidad: autoformación.

Nivel: Intermedio

Conocimientos previos: No necesarios.

La fibra óptica en instalaciones terciarias (cód. AF-C22S)

Objetivo: Conocer los fundamentos de la fibra óptica en los edificios terciarios.
• Las soluciones y sus usos.
• Los componentes de una fibra óptica.
• La conexión.
• La norma.
• La oferta de Legrand y la elección de productos.

Área de actividad: VDI

Duración: 45 min.

Modalidad: autoformación.

Nivel: Iniciación

Conocimientos previos: No necesarios.

¿Necesitas más información?

Contacta con nosotros a través de este formulario de contacto, indicando el curso en el que está interesado.

Puedes ver cómo tratamos tus datos en nuestra Política de privacidad

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LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND Group España trata sus datos generales para gestionar su solicitud y enviarle comunicaciones sobre sus productos y servicios.

Usted tiene derechos sobre sus datos personales (acceso, supresión, oposición, rectificación ....). Para más información, consulte nuestra Política de privacidad.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.

By ticking the small box above, I agree with Legrand's general conditions of sale and prices in force, the UPS service conditions for the purchase of products, as well as the provisions below With regard to your request and if you do not have a maintenance/intervention contract, we send you a personalized offer to approve

By ticking the small box above, I agree with Legrand's general conditions of sale and prices in force, the UPS service conditions for the purchase of products, as well as the provisions below With regard to your request and if you do not have a maintenance/intervention contract, we send you a personalized offer to approve

By ticking the small box above, I agree with Legrand's general conditions of sale and prices in force, the UPS service conditions for the purchase of products, as well as the provisions below With regard to your request and if you do not have a maintenance/intervention contract, we send you a personalized offer to approve

By ticking the small box above, I agree with Legrand's general conditions of sale and prices in force, the UPS service conditions for the purchase of products, as well as the provisions below With regard to your request and if you do not have a maintenance/intervention contract, we send you a personalized offer to approve

Al marcar esta casilla , acepto las condiciones generales de venta y servicio de Legrand para el producto cuya puesta en servicio, mantenimiento o intervención solicita.

En caso de que no tenga un contrato de mantenimiento o intervención con nosotros , le enviaremos una oferta personalizada para que la apruebe.
